Funeral Arrangements for Parameswary Mahendran & Dr T. Balasuntharam
31st December 2020
Event ID: 873166
Parameswary Mahendran (Jan 1923 - Dec 2020)
Dr. T. Balasuntharam (Dec 1939 - Dec 2020)
In lieu of flowers, the family is asking for donations to be made to either Rennie Grove Hospice Care, Stroke Association UK or to Dementia Research UK. Donations can be made via the Much Loved link below:
All times are GMT UK Time on 31 December 2020
Om Namashivaya Mantra Japa - performed by Swamini, Relatives and Friends
Time: 11.00 am - 12.00 pm
If you join the Japa, we kindly ask that you keep your microphone on mute. The chanting will remain open all morning.
Funeral Procession:
No video feed
10.50 am - Coffin loaded into Hearse
10.55 am - Hearse departs for Home
11.15 am - Hearse arrives at Home and is opened for final goodbyes 11.25 am - Hearse closes and commences journey to Crematorium
Link: This link will go live at 12:00
Login: 64128
Password: bwgzkuwe
Please log in and test the above details before the event. The recording will be available for five days.
11.55 am - Hearse arrives at Crematorium
12.00 pm - Crematorium feed goes live per above details
12.01 pm - Coffin into the crematorium
12.24 pm - Push the button for the curtain
12.25 pm - Music changes and last 5 minute song plays
12.25 pm - Funeral Director (David Hall) bows and leaves the crematorium 12:30 pm - Live feed stops
Opening - Songs from Family Members: Devotional songs, chants including Sivapuraanam Closing - Jenmam Nirainthathu
Celebration of Life:
A celebration of life is being planned later in 2021 for Parameswary Mahendran and Dr. T. Balasuntharam. Details to be confirmed.
In lieu of flowers, the family is asking for donations to be made to either Stroke Association, Rennie Grove Hospice Care or to Dementia Research UK.